Welcome to Heartwood Caskets
Why own a casket bookcase?
First, and most importantly, we believe that we can only truly live when we have confronted our mortality. Having a casket present in our home is a gentle reminder that we will face death someday. Anthony Bloom articulated it well when he said:
‟It is only if we can face death, make sense of it, determine its place and our place in regard to it that we will be able to live in a fearless way and to the fullness of our ability. Too often we wait until the end of our life to face death, whereas we would have lived quite differently if only we had faced death at the outset.”
Selecting and owning a casket now (whether you are 21 or 101) keeps your loved ones from having the burden of picking out and purchasing a casket for you. Our caskets are already fully assembled and only take a few minutes to go from bookcase to casket. No pegs, screws or hex keys.
Bring your own casket?
Many people don’t know that there is a federal rule that applies in all 50 states. Funeral homes cannot require you to purchase a casket from them or charge you a fee for bringing your own. They are obligated to accept any casket brought to them.
Funeral home caskets are expensive and single use. You’ve probably heard someone say, “Just bury me in a pine box.” Many of us don’t really feel the need to be buried in a fancy casket that may take up to 100 years to break down. It seems like this is another way our culture has attempted to put off the inevitable. Our simple pine caskets are useful until necessary and will return to the earth.